The Gene Keys
Embracing your higher purpose
This book is an invitation to begin a new journey in your life. The beating heart of the Gene Keys Synthesis, this is the codebook describing all human states of consciousness, from the deepest fear-based patterns to the most awe-inspiring possibilities in our DNA. A vast work of vision and depth, this is a book to contemplate over a lifetime. It can be used in many different ways – as a companion to explain the Gene Keys in your Profile, as an oracle and daily inspiration or as a spiritual path in its own right. Many people have testified that simply reading this book brings them a profound understanding of their life, relationships and higher purpose. Written in a poetic yet practical style, the Gene Keys book points you towards the beauty that already lies inside you and invites you into a world where anything is possible.
There is no other book that has carried me through life so well and catalyzed so many radical and subtle transformations of my being. This is rocket fuel for anyone on the path to self-realization. The wisdom is deep and wide and is always perfectly timed and placed in the context of my growth as a human. Also, the golden path program, is a remarkable framework to walk through this life with. If life came with a guide book this would be it. Truly a companion of companions. Thank you Richard. I am a more patient, aware and compassionate person because of my ongoing relationship with this work.
This book is a true classic. A profound masterpiece, igniting beautiful new/ancient/timeless wisdom back into our lived experience now. I have both the Kindle and hardcopy, so that I can refer easily back and forth to different chapters. Wish the book came in 64 little booklets so that it’s easy to bring one chapter to the park, or snuggle up in bed or in a bath with the one chapter at a time. Regardless this book is an indescribable gem of lifetimes. Highly Recommended!
-Dr Edith Chan
This book is the type that comes around perhaps every five hundred years or so…
Richard Rudd, invites you to the waters of divinity. This is a personalized self-reflective Journey with beautiful and clear guideposts to help you be come the most conscious, aware and enlightened version of yourself.-Andrew
By far, the finest map of Awakening I have ever read in my 40 years of inner journeying! The transmission through the words, or the spaces between them, are treasured downloads that will transform the reader into a better, more refined exponent of Reality. Sober, yet expressive of the highest potential of a human, this compassionate treatise embraces our humaness so completely just as it is. Simultaneously the author lifts us to the ultimate dignity of becoming Life Itself.
I’ve read a lot of New Age books over the years, and I firmly believe that the consciousness of the human race is evolving in a positive way, that said, I wasn’t quite prepared for a book as amazing as Gene Keys. Richard Rudd has made an incredible contribution to the new thought/new age movement. This book describes in great detail where we are heading in the future, how to reconcile where we’ve been and how to make the absolute best of where we are right now. Beyond any religious tradition, yet encompassing them all, this is a Zen masterpiece. There are many lofty concepts in this book that the author does a brilliant job of making accessible to anyone. Of the 534 pages in this book, there is not one that doesn’t say something important. This is a book to return to time and time again. There is a truly magical quality about working with the Gene Keys. There is a really good chance that while reading it, you may experience some rather shocking, mystical experiences. I’m not kidding, I was blown away. This book will stay on my shelf with the books I return to often. FTC Disclosure: I was given a review copy of this book by a representative of its publisher. I was not paid for my review, and my opinion is my own honest assessment of this work. This one is a classic.
If people read only the introduction, this book could still change the world!
The most influential book of my life. Not only does Richard Rudd bring the world of the mystics and science together in a beautiful revelation of life and its infinite mystery, his craft is sublime. He makes what could be complicated to read, almost effortless. I read and not only understand, I know. Thank you for bringing this into the world.
For fifty years I have read and reread the I Ching. Mr. Rudd has not merely retranslated or updated this ancient classic, he has absolutely transmuted it into a whole new form.
This will be everyone’s favorite coffee table book in another year or two, just like M. Scott Peck’s The Road Less Traveled. Most deservedly so!-Alexander
The 64 Ways
Personal contemplations on the Gene Keys
Offering a different perspective from the Gene Keys book, the 64 Ways are Richard Rudd’s personal contemplations on each of the 64 Gene Keys. Originally recorded as audios and transcribed in this book due to popular demand, these potent transmissions are delivered in a simple, contemplative style and blend practical advice drawn from Richard’s life, as well as poetic insight and gentle humour to probe the depths and dilemmas of the Gene Keys.
Note this purchase does not include the audio files. Click here to purchase the 64 Ways Audio Collection.
The Art of Contemplation
Gentle path to wholeness and prosperity
This little book is a masterpiece of distilled wisdom. Poetic, refined and yet eminently practical, it introduces you to the technique at the core of the Gene Keys, and indeed of all paths towards wisdom. As the opening sentence states: ‘There is no problem in your life that cannot be resolved through the Art of Contemplation’. This book shows you how to bring the magic of contemplation into every corner of your life, resulting in a deep sense of spaciousness, calm and clarity that is so rare in our modern world. A diamond of a book that you will turn to over and over again.
-Dani Katz
A guide to your Activation Sequence
Here you can find a printed version of the Activation Sequence teachings included in Part 1 of the Golden Path program. This book begins your journey into your Hologenetic Profile, offering a step by step guide to your Activation Sequence. Made up of your 4 Prime Gifts, this offers a fascinating exploration of the true purpose of your life. Used in combination with the Gene Keys book, your Activation Sequence shows you how to unlock your highest genius by embracing your deepest challenges. This book explains all the key elements of your Activation Sequence – the Spheres, Pathways and line keynotes, showing you how to apply their insights practically to your everyday life.
Important Note: these writings are embedded in the Activation Sequence online course. This book is an optional purchase for those who prefer to have a physical copy of these teachings.
This course has set me on fire. It continues to be illuminating and I look forward to continued engagement, enjoying the adventure and the challenge.
I feel I am living in an expanding, magical world through these contemplations.-Name
A guide to your Venus Sequence
Here you can find a printed version of the Venus Sequence teachings included in Part 2 of the Golden Path program. A truly breathtaking journey into the patterns of imprinting laid down in our childhood, this book explains the reasons why we seek love and gives us the means to find it again inside ourselves. The Venus Sequence is a tender journey that will utterly transform all your relationships. This book explains the key elements of your Venus Sequence – the Spheres, Pathways and line keynotes, showing you how to apply their insights practically to your everyday life. A truly extraordinary and life-changing book.
Important Note: these writings are embedded in the Venus Sequence online course. This book is an optional purchase for those who prefer to have a physical copy of these teachings.
We’d both like to extend our deepest gratitude for the Venus Sequence. We have been on one hell of a transformational journey, and the Venus Sequence has been our back bone, the magic it brings in resolving emotional/relationship tension is absolutely incredible. It offers the PERFECT framework for owning ones own side in the “dramas” and all the material necessary to process it efficiently and with as little fallout out as possible. We feel we have moved through 20 years of a “normal” relationship evolution in 3 moons. I have never connected so deeply to another before. So again… I know I say it a lot… but THANK YOU.
A guide to your Pearl Sequence
Here you can find a printed version of the Pearl Sequence teachings included in Part 3 of the Golden Path program. Guiding you into the Pearl Sequence in your Hologenetic Profile, you will learn about your core vocation and how you best work together with others to manifest your highest destiny. In our modern time-obsessed world, this book offers a breath of fresh air, showing you how to create good fortune simply from being yourself. It also brings the whole Golden Path to a glittering crescendo, with many profound insights about the nature of reality. This book explains the key elements of your Pearl Sequence – the Spheres, Pathways and line keynotes, showing you how to apply their insights practically to your everyday life.
Important Note: these writings are embedded in the Pearl Sequence online course. This book is an optional purchase for those who prefer to have a physical copy of these teachings.
The Seven Sacred Seals
Portals to Grace
I love the mystery of the seals … the angels, the stars, and the prayers … and also the wonderful images that the poetry of the words creates. Contemplating the mandala and the words it contains could be a lifetime’s occupation. I treasure this book and dip into it often.
Fragments of Light
Transcendent Tales
In this treasury of wild, oral wisdom Richard Rudd shares a web of insights, breakthroughs and epiphanies that occured over the many years of laying out his main teachings − The Gene Keys. Accordingly, these Fragments give us a rare view into the inner and sometimes private life of the founder of The Gene Keys. Insightful, life-affirming, practical and often deeply comforting, these Fragments of Light thread a path between the mystical and the mundane, shining a much-needed light on many challenging subjects such as pain, trauma, karma, reincarnation, awakening, alchemy, the future of humanity and much more.
Available in hardback. Kindle coming soon.
Dare to be Divine
A journey into the miraculous
This book offers a unique insight into the true magical roots of the universe. Richard Rudd takes us on a guided journey through the 64 expressions of enlightened consciousness (the 64 ‘Siddhis’ of the Gene Keys) and reveals a vast view of the true potential of humanity. Using his mystical, poetic insight, Richard show us the many facets of enlightenment in its varied colours, expressions and hues, from the wildest states of miraculous God-intoxication to the humblest lives of service and silence.
Available in hardback. Kindle coming soon.
The Spring of Dreams
Selected Poetry and Prayers
A beautiful and diverse collection of poems and prayers, collected and written by Richard Rudd over several decades. A wonderful contemplative little book filled with words that take us to the edge of where words can go….
Human Design - Circuitry
The complete guide to Circuits, Channels and Gates
One of the classic texts for understanding the foundations of Human Design, this book remains one of the most widely used and loved of Human Design books. Rooted in the original language of Human Design, Circuitry is practical and useful for beginners, describing each gate and channel in the Bodygraph in user-friendly everyday language. It is also a rich resource for advanced students, as it lays out in one place all the many layers of keynotes behind the Human Design Bodygraph.
Human Design -
The Revelation
A guide to basic Concepts,
Centres Types and Definition

Human Design - The Revelation
A guide to basic Concepts, Centres Types and Definition
Republished after many years out of print, Richard Rudd’s The Revelation is one of the classic Human Design texts, packed with over 200 pages of information, insight and inspiration on Human Design. With hundreds of images, charts of well known people and examples, this is one of the best and most clearly written introductions to Human Design, covering all the basics – Type/Strategy, Definition, Authority, defined and undefined centres as well as how Human Design came to be. The Manual also includes intriguing ‘red’ sections with stories, articles and meditations to help our right brain integrate the knowledge. A must-have for all beginners or serious students of Human Design.
Over the years, Richard Rudd has written many contemplative articles, poems, stories and inspirational fragments. Here you can peruse his written word, both past and present, in our free resource library…
Our online programme allows you to adapt the wisdom of the Gene Keys to your own learning style. Our courses are inspiring, elegant and simple to follow, with practical guidance, webinars, audios, as well as texts and downloads for offline study.